What an incredibly busy week pre book two launch!

Last week started with a visit to three Ayrshire Schools as part of the fantastic Imprints Festival! We read to the children of Silver Wood, New Farm and Mauchline Primary Schools in two venues in Ayrshire. We played the story game with the children whereby we do some initial brain excercises to get the creative juices going then start with one word! This then moves around the group and gradually builds a story filled with all sorts of amazing insights into the mind of a child! The first three words from Mauchline Primary were "About, Pizza, Chips (naturally!) but the second batch of words were Donkey, Cheese and magnify, brilliant!! Somehow we managed to create a crazy magical story out of it all!.
We then visited Hillhead Primary School in Glasgow's West End (which is the venue for Angela's first ever school reading!) reading to almost 200 children! This time we played the Spell / Potion game with the children and asked them to come up with their own "ingredients". Some of the ingredients the children threw in included frog toes, werewolf hair and rats tails among a host of other fascinating ingredients!
The week ended in a festival filled with fun in the far west of Scotland at the Tarbert Book Festival where there was a whole host of children getting into the Halloween Spirit in full witch dress up!